Out and About

The local chat group has been talking about the sea lions hanging out at one of the local points for the past few days. There are always sea lions around but not usually at this location. As a bonus this spot is a lot more accessible than some of the usual viewing places.

We also did a quick trip to town to get supplies for planting our starter seeds for the garden. Funny I never noticed the Dr Seuss tree beside the parking lot before

Winter starts on the cusp of spring

Today is the first day we have had any accumulation of snow. Certainly not a lot, we had much more last year. Not a lot by other area’s standards either. But considering that we don’t see any that lasts more than 15 minutes on the ground some years it is always a nice thing to see.

Trading spaces

I started a new project this week. I was asked by a lady to finish a repair to a home made kayak her husband started and was unable to finish before he fell ill.

He made two of these kayaks from plans in a 1986 Wooden Boat magazine article. They are made from door skin mahogany plywood. You can still find lots of these projects on the internet, usually titled as a skin on frame boat.

plywood kayak

The task at hand is to replace the coaming. After that I think they both could use refinishing.

The deal is I get to use the workshop whenever I would like to in exchange for some handyman work and paying the hydro bill for the shop. Nice trade!