Bounty (sort of)

A couple years ago when we planted our fruit trees we new it would be a while before we saw any kind of harvest. The very poor soil quality, the drought, and the heat domes have all contributed to a slow start to the young saplings as well.

I was therefore very happy to see peaches on the tree this year. Not many, seven to be exact, but they were the first fruit our young tree set…ever.

I picked them today since the birds have been at them.

And add one more seat

Another smoking hot week done, and looks like one more coming before we see cooler temperatures and maybe a little rain. Definitely hoping we see some rain soon.

On Thursday we took a trip to the mainland to pick up Maggie –

She is an 8 week old rough collie, a roller in dirt and a slaughterer of dandelions. She has also proved to be a super traveller making the seven hour trip back home like a seasoned pro.

She is a sociable little thing and has already met eight other dogs and a number of our close friends. Settled right in at home and is doing really good at house training. Loves the outdoors and the long grass. Not so much the leash yet, has a Houdini like ability to get out of even a harness.

Now if we can only get her to leave pants legs alone (puppies, eh?).