Feet up

The deck is done. The shed is done. The rose pergola is done. Good timing too because it’s too hot to work this afternoon. 30 degrees, our hottest day this year but far.

The first harvest of peas are ready and the green beans are a day or two away. I’ll pull a garlic tomorrow to check them as well. They should be ready.

Now however it’s nap time.

Shed progress

I worked until twilight last night and managed to find a place for both the pegboard and the parts bins. In order to make it work I have had to relocate 90% of everything in the shed. Complicating matters is the fact the various camping and recreation items are squatting in the shed along with the tools. I would love to evict them but I would only contributions to the epidemic of homelessness. They simply have no where else to go.

Had a late start today. Coffee and some Civ kept me indoors most of the morning. After a run to the lumberyard to trade another $150 for plywood I spent the rest of the day and evening finishing up. Everything is now back in the shed. I still need to do a bit of sorting and shuffling to get some ransom bits put away but that’s for tomorrow now.

The cubbies worked ok. I wish I had another four feet of them. I ended up double bunking some items. Less than ideal. The sporting and camping gear worked out much better. I’m very happy with that piece. Everything is together and more importantly OFF THE WALL. No more folding chairs hanging on hooks, getting in my way.

So, another hour in the morning and then I can move to staining the attached deck. It’ll be nice to get the bbq’s off the driveway.

Reno Day

Tools keep following me home.

I don’t encourage them. I don’t give them bits of my sandwich at the work site. I don’t call them over. Yet, the number of tools living in my shed has constantly increased over the last few years.

Now, one might think “Great!” and it is in many regards. Where it isn’t though is in where they all roost at night. Frankly, I have run out of nesting sites for the poor things. So this weekend I have begun the great tool coop remodel of 2023.

Taking a page from Ron Paulk I decided to build adjustable partitioned cubbies for each major tool. A. day and $600 later I have all my stuff presently scattered across the deck waiting to be re-homed back to a nice new bed…er… cubbie.

It will take another day working in the driveway to finish so I’m not completely sure how this will work out. I am slightly concerned about the tools that used to live on the pegboard. I had to take that down to fit the new shelves and I really don’t know where I can hang it back up in the new layout.

Stay tuned