Shorter days

We have really noticed the days getting shorter. Soon the rains will start, marking the beginning of another puzzle season.

We have decided to try our hand at winter gardening. Nothing too ambitious. This fall it will be just some garlic. Garlic is a very popular crop around here and there are a couple of farms growing it commercially. In fact the garlic grown here is considered by many to be quite superior.

Since the summer garden is still in the ground I decided to build a new bed for this. Closer to the house and lower to the ground. COVID has driven prices up on many materials, wood and soil bing two significantly impacted items.

To make space the haskap experiment is coming to an end. They plants were not thriving or fruiting. Kelly was ready to pull the pin last summer. I convinced her to give them one more summer. That summer is now over – out they come and in goes the new winter bed.

Catching up

The last two weeks have been the nicest (aka hottest) days we have had all year. It’s like summer is a month behind schedule. Better late than never.

We have been using the time to catch up on some of our outdoor projects. Specifically I have been prepping and restaining our deck and Muriel’s decks. That’s about 7 days of work. Bleh.

The hot weather is also causing a lot of watering need. Lots of new planting this summer that require frequent watering as their roots are still establishing. I have about given up on the native mock oranges though. This is their third year and they just refuse to establish and grow.

On the ‘not chores’ side I finally insulated and IR coated the forge! Big yay there. I need to weld a bit of pipe to act as a burner mount and it’s ready to light. Can’t wait.

Probably need to go back to work for a few days soon. Both vehicles need some work. Bills bills bills.