Progress (finally)

I made a concerted effort to get to the shop the last two weeks. A day here. A couple hours there. I even used it for some client work yesterday. Bonus!

Still playing Tetris with the landlords belongings but there has been some progress on that front. In fact the other day I removed the last box off of the floor. That may not sound like a big thing, but trust me it was.

When I first stepped into the building last spring you could barely walk around. Between unfinished projects, off season storage and general “I don’t use it but don’t want to throw it out” stuff, it was packed. As much as I appreciated the offer to use the space I was quite concerned about whether it was actually usable.

Everything along the far two walls is theirs. Behind me as I took this picture is a desk and two bikes that also are in here. If this is how it remains I can very happily use the shop. The kayaks will either go out of the shop or I’ll build a storage solution up on the wall somewhere. For now they remain as they are an actual work in progress. I finished rebuilding the coaming on the close one. Next step is sanding and then some fibreglass work and finishing. The far one has some bad veneer delamination to deal with.

I made some progress on a couple of my own projects too. I spent an hour or two tuning up the table saw with a new blade, reset the blade parallel to the mitre slots, and re-levelled the wings. While I was at it I put a new blade in the mitre saw. Both saws still had the factory blade in them. With the table saw freshly tweaked I cut the piece for the cadovius inspired wall shelves, along with a spare piece for stain / finish testing.

The workbench has been on hiatus for the last month but I did drop off material for the legs this week. I have a couple hours of work finishing up some deck stairs to someone tomorrow. Maybe after that I can sneak over and start the legs.

Unless Paul finds me. Paul wants a generator shed.
